Thursday, September 20, 2012

Week 2 Reax

A word to the weak: You Can't Stop The Bum Rush. Unseen is back after laying a slap on Sucka worse than his mother did the time he cursed at her when he was 8. On another note, some weak ass punk bitch(es) made attempts to shut down the Smack, claiming this pulitzer prose to be spam. Aside from the fact that this was a flagrant violation of man laws 2, 6, and 32 ("don't be a bitch", "don't hate on someone doin it bigger than you", and "don't hate the player, hate the game"), there is definitely no stopping this train- irregardless of what ever personal feelings of inadequacy are aroused from the subconscious. D99 spits a complex venom.

You need to understand something: this is Newton's first law. An object in motion will remain in motion at the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. You hater bitches ain't that unbalanced force. Unseen's forward inertia is so strong it can't be stopped. When he takes his hands off the wheel the shit corrects itself. Haters trying to throw up roadblocks will get steamrolled. Gator don't play no shit.

Week 2 in the books and Sucka dropped a turd worse than Harry did in the broken toilet upstairs the night Lloyd gave him laxative before his date with Mary. The stank was so foul it was like he actually ate that dog's asshole and had his fantasy team shit it out into cyberspace. He failed worse than this guy. D99 thinks Sucka deliberately forfeited the match up ahead of time by playing Jennings when he was listed as out. Or maybe those other 8 fantasy teams have fucked his whole shit up. In either case, his contender status is officially erased from the books.

NFL's 2nd week brought the inevitable to the forefront: these replacement refs aren't going to cut it. It's really more about how much longer this will carry on. These boys can't control players on the field, let alone make calls consistently according to the actual rulebook. There were some true fuck ups Sunday to go along with a slew of fists thrown by players in front of refs with no penalties called either way. This was across multiple games, and the media is still not saying enough about it, despite the post game talk after Monday night. Steve Young was absolutely right about what he said. The NFL recognizes its product and knows it really doesn't matter in the end- they could have the worse refs in the world and we'd still watch. Probably.

Currently, the Giants have put a wrap on the Panthers in Carolina. Andre Brown doin his best C.J. Spiller impression with Bradshaw out, and he's sitting on waivers right now. The Giants on the road are beasts. What is truly bizarre is how the Cards are 2-0 after the upset at Foxboro. What is not bizarre at all is how much Cleveland sucks. Chicago got smacked up in Green Bay in a boring ass game that was really a great piece of evidence in argument of the position that Thursday night football is garbage. Plus the shit is shown on NFL network; it's not even a prime time station or network. Really, after combining play quality with the overall marketing strategy, it's almost like they're saying "who gives a fuck?" and holding the finger up to all marginal fans of the game. As in, the ones that watch and enjoy football but haven't or don't want to make the additional commitment to a specific package. Which by the way is likely 75% of fans. Now, if you got your NFL network as part of regular package, good for you. Overall, this is a testament to both the quality of this game and just how poorly the league can market itself while still raking in the dough and completely getting away with it.

In league news DESTROY JEW BREES snagged another win over his nemesis Jew Brees with a solid win. Unseen can't lie- he was really hoping Jew Brees would channel his inner Stigglitz / Bear Jew and knock one out of the park. He'll have another chance later on in the season. Meanwhile, Under dogs claimed victory over a seriously under performing Detroit Larrys while Nemisis (who came to life and is makin moves) slid by Muddogs by just under 3 points. Larry has Sucka this week, and could very well bag his first W. Rounding out the week, Butt munchers got dropped by another merciless high scoring performance from Stealers Rule, who actually was rewarded and won the matchup, leading to a face-off with D99 this week. So far his Panthers have underperformed. Whether the use of "stealers" instead of "steelers" is a deliberate pun or a very careless misspelling is yet to be determined. Until it is, contender status for runner up is still up in the air. Twain probably said it best: "The best swordsman in the world doesn’t need to fear the second best swordsman in the world; no, the person for him to be afraid of is some ignorant antagonist who has never had a sword in his hand before; he doesn’t do the thing he ought to." Either way Unseen plans to demolish just him just like this Russian did Larry and Mike.

Until next week.

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